This research utilizes rice straw and bagasse as raw materials for biomass production, which can later be utilized as a new biomass source for Indonesia. The objectives of this study are to determine the influence of the mixture ratio of rice straw and bagasse in biobriquette production, to assess the effect of binder concentration in biobriquette production, and to examine the interaction effect between these two factors. The research employs a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) factorial consisting of 3 levels with 2 replications. The first factor investigated is the mixture ratio of rice straw and bagasse (J), which consists of 3 levels: rice straw 5% : bagasse 95% (J1), rice straw 10% : bagasse 90% (J2), and rice straw 15% : bagasse 85% (J3). The second factor is the concentration of the binder material (K), which comprises 3 levels: K1 = 8%, K2 = 10%, and K3 = 12%. Thus, there are 9 treatment combinations with 2 replications, resulting in 18 experimental units. The parameters observed include moisture content, ash content, calorific value, volatile matter content, and ignition time. The best treatment is obtained from a mixture ratio of rice straw and bagasse at 15% : 85% and a binder concentration of 12%, with moisture content of 7.10%, ash content of 4.52%, volatile matter content of 8.55%, calorific value of 4689 calories/g, and ignition time of 4.60 minutes/second.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32672/sjat.v6i1.7517
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