The Analysis of Learning Outcomes through Problem-Based Learning Model Approach On Circle Materials

Muhamad Saleh Ginting, Uli Lastriani, Rifaatul Mahmuzah, Heri Kurnia, Aklimawati Aklimawati


Students still consider mathematics learning in school difficult. One of the factors causing this difficulty is because mathematics material is dominated by abstract material. The purpose of this research is: to determine the completeness of student learning outcomes through the application of the Problem Based Instruction Model. The selection of a learning model plays a large enough role to achieve educational goals. For that, we need a learning model that is able to increase student interest, motivation and learning outcomes. One learning model that can be used is Problem Based Instruction which emphasizes student activity. Problems in the learning process are directed to those related to everyday life so that students can immediately understand them. The population in this study were all students of class VIII totaling 50 students. The sample in this study were students of class VIII-2 SMP Negeri 14 Banda Aceh, as many as 25 students. This study used a Quasi-experimental approach with a one-shot case study design with quantitative research. Data collection was carried out using test instruments. The data processing technique is to use the t-test. The results showed that student learning outcomes in the material tangent to the inner and outer partnership of two circles of class VIII SMP Negeri 14 Banda Aceh achieved student learning completeness according to the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) set by SMP Negeri 14 Banda Aceh.


learning completeness, problem based instruction, circle

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Jurnal Serambi Ilmu
e-ISSN: 2549-2306
p-ISSN: 1693-4849
Published by: FKIP Universitas Serambi Mekkah Banda Aceh
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