Yuniarti Yuniarti


The application of literacy learning by Literature Circle is important to improve students’ reading and writing skills. In literacy learning, the more students read books, the more they have idea to write.  That is way the habit of literacy and writing activities should be integrated to teach. Literacy learning by literature circle is also called as “Book Club” acitivity. Literature circle needs  “Role sheet”that leads and guides them to discuss and respond theme or topic from a book they read.Then, the students may connect their discussion with their experience and life.  The role sheet can be asdirector or summarizer, vocabulary enricher, connector, author reflector, illustrator, literary luminary, literary expert. The function of them is to enhancetheirreading habit, to enrich thier vocabs, sharp their critical thinking. From the result of discussion and responses, they are obliged to write into written journal.  The written journal can be made in a form of “Mini Book”.  Mini book is created by the students themselves. Then, mini book, as students’ document, is aimed to assess.Not only that, profile of students can be used as a student’s track record when they are discussing, responding book. At the end of learning, lecturer and students reflect what they have learnt, what advantages and disadvantages of learning are.  It is aimed to  make better for next learning.

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