Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Inovatif dan Interaktif melalui Pendekatan Sainstifik pada Pengajaran Larutan dan Koloid

Henni Fitriani, Manihar Situmorang, Ayi Darmana


This study aims to obtain innovative and interactive chemistry teaching materials. The form of this research is a descriptive study. The type of this research is including research and development. Subjects of the study were general chemistry written a summary of lectures II Solution Subject. Meanwhile, the sample used in this study consisted of 20 students IV semester of state University of Medan and 3 general chemistry lecturers of state university of
Medan. For a selection of the sample is using purposive sampling technique. The results were analyzed based BSNP (Education National Standard Corporation) obtained, feasibility aspects of the content of 3,87 is valid, it means very feasible and does not be revised, the feasibility of language 3,87 is valid, it means very feasible and does not be revised, and the feasibility of presenting 3,91 is valid, it means very feasible and does not be revised. For general chemistry lecturers and students as user were allotted a teaching material have been developed to obtain their idea. The idea was obtained, assessment outcomes mean of general chemistry lecturers of 3,85 and assessment outcomes mean of chemistry education students of 3,37. The average outcomes were indicated teaching material is valid, it means very feasible and does not be revised so that feasible used in learning.

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